Bonded Labor/ Forced Labor

  • Admin
  • 1 year ago
Bonded Labor/ Forced Labor

Bonded Labor/ Forced Labor

In Nepal, there are communities of agricultural bonded laborers who have traditionally been forced to work for landowners under the pretext of repaying an ever-increasing debt. Haliya is one of such communities that existed in Nepal, among Kamaiya and Harawa Charawa in the mid and far western region and eastern Tarai in Nepal. In 2002, the Parliament of Nepal approved the policy to end any form of bonded labor with the promulgation of the Bonded labor Prohibition Act, which banned the practice of bonded labor. In 2008, the government formally abolished the Haliya system. After five years of the abolition of Haliya system, in 2013 a rehabilitation plan and framework were issued and the plan was started executing in 2015, after two years of the formulation. However, the attempt to eradicate the practice and roll out the rehabilitation package has been met with mixed success. The evidence articulated in the reports produced by government and non-government stakeholders states that the bonded labor communities are still struggling to meet fundamental human rights. 

Purple Foundation works to eliminate forced and bonded labor in collaboration with three agricultural bonded labor networks in Nepal. 

  1. Freed Haliya (province 6 and 7)
  2. Freed Kamaiya (province 5 and 7)
  3. And Freed Harawa Charawa (province 2)


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